How to Tell if there Will be a Double Kiss in a Bank Shot?
2/27/2011 7:05:43 AM
How to Tell if there Will be a Double Kiss in a Bank Shot?
What is the general rule of thumb to tell if there is a kiss in a bank shot?
Basically I want to know how I can tell if a bank shot will double kiss?
I just play kiss bank shots by feel at this point but would love to know of some rules of thumb to go by for bank shots, especially the following:
- When the object ball is frozen to a rail
- When the object ball is 1 inch off the rail
- The angle of cue ball
- For crossover bank shots
- For non-crossover bank shots
How to Tell if there Will be a Double Kiss in a Bank Shot?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 3/11/2017 3:14:51 PM
I know this is an old question, but I'm posting some info as it still gets found in search, etc.
Some pool players use guidelines along with gut feel to determine whether there will be a double kiss. For example:
- the object ball is from 0 to 2 inches from the rail AND
- the angle between the cue ball path and the path the object ball will take from the rail is less than 30 degrees, AND
- there is more than a half-ball hit on the cue ball
...then I expect a double hit and play the shot accordingly so that I can avoid it.
Other common rules of thumb for determining a double kiss bank shot is:
- If you can't shoot the cue ball past the object ball into the corner pocket without hitting the object ball, then there is a good chance of a kiss.
- If the object ball is frozen to the rail or very close to it, and the angle calls for a full ball hit (or greater), then a kiss is unavoidable.
If the cue ball travels the same distance as does the object ball, then there is a potential for a natural kiss
Also some general notes on determining if there will be a double kiss on a bank shot:
- Use of draw on the cue ball can help prevent a double kiss, for the obvious reason of getting the cue ball out of the way faster after initial contact with the object ball.
- If you use a soft shot, there is a higher chance you will have a double kiss shot. This is because on harder shots, the object ball compresses further into the rail. This gives the cue ball slightly more time to get out of the way.
Mostly, a great deal of experience is the only sure way to "be sure" of a kiss/double kiss on a bank shot.
How to Tell if there Will be a Double Kiss in a Bank Shot?
- Title: How to Tell if there Will be a Double Kiss in a Bank Shot?
- Author: Cowboy Hune
- Published: 2/27/2011 7:05:43 AM
- Last Updated: 3/11/2017 3:03:36 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)