Advanced Bank Shots and Banking
8/22/2015 2:46:24 PM
Advanced Bank Shots and Banking
I would like to discuss when and how to properly hit a cue ball during a bank.
Spin transfer is an important factor when banking. But, how much spin should a player use? Does some of that spin become useless depending on the speed of the ball hit? Is there a transition phase for spin just as there is for a center low draw? How does center low or high affect the object ball when it impacts the rail? Is there a general rule for when to use certain English when referencing it to the degree it will be impacting the rail?
I would like to hear both Opinions and Facts. But, lets keep the discussion of "There are other more higher percentage options then banking" for another topic, please.
Advanced Bank Shots and Banking
Replies & Comments
metguy on 8/22/2015 2:58:25 PM
This is one of my favorite bank videos by Ralph Eckert. When is a natural bank NOT a natural bank?
metguy on 8/22/2015 3:18:11 PM
I have seen this next video a few times. it shows just how spin transfer effects the O.B. What this video doesn't say is very little English is being used. So, if hitting off-center this small amount changes ball path, you can see why people struggle with banking even the basic ones.
metguy on 8/22/2015 3:38:03 PM
If you noticed, on the Ralph Eckert video, the Object ball was always placed near the rail it was banking off of. I would assume then that the O.B. was in a spin / skid motion when impacting the rail. Do you think the reaction of those banks would be any different if the O.B. was in a spin / rolling motion? If so, would the result be missing long or short?
metguy on 9/12/2015 8:07:14 AM
Banking is nothing more than extending the table and contact points. Sure, there are variables that can alter the shot, but altering is done once you have established your "Known" shot angle.
There is an aiming system called "Double the Distance Aiming" which I am a huge believer in. The main thing to know (with this system) is its based on TWO aiming points that depend on your angle (or degree) of a particular shot. It is based on angles 45 degrees or less and 45 degrees or more.
The CROSSOVER BANK must be looked upon as a bank with a natural variable. Just like hitting a cue ball off center, contacting your object ball with your cue ball( in a line other than straight) will impart a line altering change. In other words, you can't do a natural crossover bank because the natural line has a built in alteration. If you hit your object ball EXACTLY correct (based on a natural angle) you will come up short every time. Most people who can execute these banks have learned how to adjust but miss on the opportunity to learn from that existing variable (which can be taken advantage of).
I'm going to stop here. Read up on the concept of Double the Distance Aiming and my topic (posted on this site) MY AIMING SYSTEM. It is the blueprint for banking at a high level. Next week, I will go into more depth on how to put these two together and incorporate variables to alter shot lines.
speedbump on 9/12/2015 8:24:41 AM
It seems to me that the more you cut the ball when banking, the more spin the cue ball puts on the object ball which will twist it off the rail as opposed to hitting the object ball center giving it no spin as long as the cue ball is hit center.
metguy on 9/12/2015 8:56:09 AM
That is exactly right. Couple that with ball speed and you now have two variables affecting ball path off the rail. So, your natural bank line has now become a "Reference" line. You need to know your options for adjusting to those two variables. Whether through spin, speed, or contact points (or a combination of) you can pocket those banks consistently. Some say the rails vary, but unless its extreme, its minute in comparison to the main variables.
speedbump on 9/13/2015 6:20:41 AM
Agreed. If it were meant to be easy, pool wouldn't be nearly as much fun.
metguy on 10/1/2015 9:14:14 PM
Natural banks to side pocket. If 4 to 2 equal 0 (side pocket), then 5 to 2.5, 6 to 3, and 7 to 3.5 are also naturals. Dead center with stop shot speed (don't try to roll them in).
The key to these is thru to thru. That is, you are aligned thru the rails to the diamond. Do not shoot to the front of the rail directly in front of the diamond. You have to shoot thru the rail on a path to the diamond on the table.
I like these banks because they are safe shots. You can control the cue ball really well and play a safety if you choose.
metguy on 11/19/2015 11:01:47 AM
I've been off for awhile because I ran into an interesting situation.
Up to a few weeks ago, I've been shooting with a G-core shaft on my McDermott. I went to a Predator 314-2 and all my banks started going long. All my higher speed banks, the slower rollers traveling on natural bank lines seem ok.
I'm not sure if its the weather, the cue, or the shafts tip that is on it. My banking is usually pretty good; so this is a significant development. I need a couple more weeks to sort it out.
Advanced Bank Shots and Banking
- Title: Advanced Bank Shots and Banking
- Author: metguy (Jeff Hewitt)
- Published: 8/22/2015 2:46:24 PM