When Only the Cue Ball Touches the Cushion
5/10/2013 4:05:20 PM
When Only the Cue Ball Touches the Cushion
I want to know if when playing 8 ball and the player hits the cue ball into the object ball and ONLY the cue ball hits the cushion, is it considered a ball in hand?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
When Only the Cue Ball Touches the Cushion
Replies & Comments
Zeke on 5/10/2013 6:41:41 PM
Given the huge variations in 8-ball by virtue of "local rules," it could be.
But not according to the 8-ball rules we see here. It's simply a missed shot.
Zeke on 5/10/2013 6:45:33 PM
Here's the rule:
"Legal Shot:"
On all shots (except on the break and when the table is open), the shooter must hit one of their group of balls first and either pocket a numbered ball, or cause the cue ball, or any numbered ball to contact a rail. Please Note: It is permissible for the shooter to bank the cue ball off a rail before contacting the object ball; however, after contact with the object ball, an object ball must be pocketed, or the cue ball or any numbered ball must contact a rail. Failure to meet these requirements results in a foul.
Mitch Alsup on 5/12/2013 3:08:16 PM
In general, If you use a legal stroke, hit a legal ball first, and after legal contact at least one ball touches a rail, the shot is not a foul. It does not mater which ball -- it could be one of your opponents balls that touches the rail. In this context the inside of a pocket is considered a rail.
Some sets of rules include the frozen ball rule. If the OB is frozen to a rail, after first legal contact; a) a ball must be pocketed, b) the CB must touch a rail, c) the OB must contact a different rail, d) or another OB must contact any rail.
When Only the Cue Ball Touches the Cushion
- Title: When Only the Cue Ball Touches the Cushion
- Author: Sannyman
- Published: 5/10/2013 4:05:20 PM