What is the Penalty for Potting the 8 Ball During an Inning?
12/11/2017 3:46:53 AM
What is the Penalty for Potting the 8 Ball During an Inning?
What is the penalty for potting the 8 ball during an inning?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
What is the Penalty for Potting the 8 Ball During an Inning?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 12/11/2017 5:33:19 AM
I assume you mean to ask:
What happens if you pre-maturely pocket the 8 ball before you have potted all of your other object balls?
In that case, the answer is, it depends on which rules you are playing by. According to World Pool & Billiard Association 8 ball rules, you lose the game.
3.8 Losing the Rack
The shooter loses if he
- (a) pockets the eight ball and fouls.;
- (b) pockets the eight ball before his group is cleared;
- (c) pockets the eight ball in an uncalled pocket; or
- (d) drives the eight ball off the table.
These do not apply to the break shot. (See 3.3 Break Shot.)
What is the Penalty for Potting the 8 Ball During an Inning?
- Title: What is the Penalty for Potting the 8 Ball During an Inning?
- Author: user1512981011
- Published: 12/11/2017 3:46:53 AM
- Last Updated: 12/11/2017 5:25:07 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)