What is the Penalty for Not Hitting an Object Ball with the Cue Ball?
8/12/2020 12:17:56 PM
What is the Penalty for Not Hitting an Object Ball with the Cue Ball?
What is the penalty for not hitting any object ball with the cue ball?
The scenario is this:
- After the break shot, no balls are pocketed and the table is still open.
- The next player does not hit any balls with cue ball.
Is this "cue ball in hand" for the incoming player, or does the play continue from where cue ball has come to rest?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
What is the Penalty for Not Hitting an Object Ball with the Cue Ball?
Replies & Comments
RayMills on 8/14/2020 2:43:45 AM
For most league play, it's ball-in-hand anywhere on the table when the cue ball doesn't touch another ball.
For a legal, foul-free shot the cue ball has to touch an eligible ball, then any ball must contact a cushion or go into a pocket, and the cue ball must remain on the playing surface.
What is the Penalty for Not Hitting an Object Ball with the Cue Ball?
- Title: What is the Penalty for Not Hitting an Object Ball with the Cue Ball?
- Author: user1597259875 (Louis Claude)
- Published: 8/12/2020 12:17:56 PM
- Last Updated: 9/15/2020 1:18:40 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)