sink 8 ball on break and scratch
4/14/2009 6:26:39 PM
sink 8 ball on break and scratch
What is the rule if I make the eight ball on the break and scratch?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
sink 8 ball on break and scratch
Replies & Comments
Justanotherevolutionary on 4/14/2009 6:35:15 PM
You lose. Been there, done that. ?
Mitch Alsup on 4/15/2009 8:49:45 AM
BCA rule 2.3 The game cannot be won or lost on the break. Other sets of rules do differently.
The intent of BCA is; You can only win in 8-ball if you call the 8-ball in a pocket and it goes in that pocket and no other foul takes place.
Now, this rule is ammended for pay machines such that if you scratch and make the 8-ball on the break, you do indeed, loose.
quickshot on 4/15/2009 11:19:47 AM
He is questioning the 8 ball scratch and even if the 8 is called it is not lost of game if the 8 goes in. It is lost of turn. because of the scratch. Pretty sure it is lost of game in APA.
sink 8 ball on break and scratch
- Title: sink 8 ball on break and scratch
- Author: epv1223
- Published: 4/14/2009 6:26:39 PM