Scratch on the 8-Ball, "Cue Ball in Hand Anywhere on the Table"
10/17/2019 7:52:51 AM
Scratch on the 8-Ball, "Cue Ball in Hand Anywhere on the Table"
I have a question regarding the 8-ball rules and scratching on the 8-ball.
If the last ball on the table is the 8-ball and the current shooter scratches, but doesn't pocket the 8-ball, the incoming player gets "cue ball in hand any where on the table".
Doesn't the benefit of "cue ball in hand any where on the table" give the next shooter a 99% assured win?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Scratch on the 8-Ball, "Cue Ball in Hand Anywhere on the Table"
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 10/18/2019 3:57:06 AM
You would be correct.
But that's the rule.
Following WPA 8-ball rules, a cue ball scratch always means cue-ball-in-hand any where on the table.
Stakes are high when both players are down to just the 8-ball.
bcraig on 10/18/2019 4:19:42 AM
Thanks for the reply. I'm trying to put together "house rules" for my retired community pool table. Many residents have played for years where "cue ball in hand" is always in the kitchen and trying to change that mind set is compounded by us being a bunch of old farts. I want to incorporate the actual rule to speed up play.
I've been searching for a Template for house rules without any luck - too many variations.
Thanks again for the reply
billiardsforum on 10/19/2019 2:04:39 AM
I would start with a copy of the World Pool-Billiard Association rules (general rules + 8-ball rules), then add in and/or modify to suit the style and needs of the players there.
They are the de-facto standard pool rule set for North America (as the WPA is the official governing body for cue sports in the region), so at least you'll be starting with a commonly-accepted set of base rules.
Good luck!
Scratch on the 8-Ball, "Cue Ball in Hand Anywhere on the Table"
- Title: Scratch on the 8-Ball, "Cue Ball in Hand Anywhere on the Table"
- Author: bcraig (Bruce Craig)
- Published: 10/17/2019 7:52:51 AM
- Last Updated: 10/18/2019 3:52:50 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)