Scoring After Striking the 8 Ball When the Table is Open
11/16/2017 1:51:45 PM
Scoring After Striking the 8 Ball When the Table is Open
I'm looking for clarification/confirmation of the open table rule. In the BCA rules, it reads:
OPEN TABLE. Defined. The table is open when the choice of groups stripes or solids, has not yet been determined. When the table is open, it is legal to hit a solid first to make a stripe or vice-versa. Note: The table is always open immediately after the break shot. When the table is open it is legal to hit any solid or stripe or the 8-ball first in the process of pocketing the called stripe or solid. However, when the table is open and the 8 ball is the first ball contacted, no stripe or solid may be scored in favor of the shooter. The shooter loses his turn and any balls pocketed remain pocketed, and the incoming player addresses the balls with the table still open. On an open table, all illegally pocketed balls remain pocketed.
So according to the above it seems that the shooter could "call" a shot saying - I'm going to play a combination to sink the 3 ball by striking the 8 ball first. But if they make the shot they have not fouled BUT they lose their turn and the table remains open. So it would seem that the shooter would never intentionally call or attempt a shot striking the eight ball first. The rule simply allows the shooter to accidentally strike the 8 ball first without it being a foul.
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Scoring After Striking the 8 Ball When the Table is Open
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 11/22/2017 7:54:33 PM
For anyone else following this thread, we have discussed this on the other thread titled Using the 8 Ball in Combination Shots.
Scoring After Striking the 8 Ball When the Table is Open
- Title: Scoring After Striking the 8 Ball When the Table is Open
- Author: DougFraser (Doug Fraser)
- Published: 11/16/2017 1:51:45 PM
- Last Updated: 11/22/2017 7:55:24 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)