Rule When the Cue Ball Double Kisses the Eight Ball
12/28/2017 10:55:26 AM
Rule When the Cue Ball Double Kisses the Eight Ball
What is the 8-ball rule for when the cue ball double kisses the eight ball?
For example, if you call a pocket for the eight ball, and the cue ball double kisses the eight ball before it goes in to the called pocket, is it a win, or a loss?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Rule When the Cue Ball Double Kisses the Eight Ball
Replies & Comments
Loder on 12/28/2017 6:39:54 PM
This depends on the rule format you are playing. In standard "call your pocket"/"call your shot" bar pool, this would be considered a loss unless you called for the double kiss (though, in certain ranks, the 8 ball must be potted clean). In most ball-in-hand/league rules, this would be an acceptable pot on the 8 ball for the win (as long as it pots into the called pocket).
user1514476524 on 12/28/2017 8:12:36 PM
What is meant by the word "pots" (or "potted" or "pot")?
Is potted the same pocketed?
Loder on 12/29/2017 10:50:04 AM
Sorry, I've been watching a lot of snooker lately. Potted is the same as pocketed, just the European term for it.
Rule When the Cue Ball Double Kisses the Eight Ball
- Title: Rule When the Cue Ball Double Kisses the Eight Ball
- Author: user1514476524
- Published: 12/28/2017 10:55:26 AM
- Last Updated: 12/30/2017 12:54:26 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)