Pocketing Opponent's Ball when Legally Pocketing the 8 Ball
5/20/2007 9:46:27 AM
Pocketing Opponent's Ball when Legally Pocketing the 8 Ball
Is it legal in 8 ball to inadvertently pocket an opponents ball while you are shooting at the 8 ball, as long as you have called your ball and pocket, and successfully make that shot?
- I call the 8 ball, and the target pocket.
- My cue ball hits the 8 ball first
- After it hits the 8 ball, either the cue ball or the 8 ball strikes an opponent's object ball and knocks it in.
- I make the called 8 ball into the correct pocket.
Is that still allowed in 8 ball pool?
I read the answers to the question What if you Pocket Your Ball and Your Opponent's Ball?. From those, I understand that sinking an opponents object ball inadvertently is allowed, as long as you pocketed your own called ball into the called pocket, and your object ball is the first ball contacted by the cue ball. However, it doesn't specify whether that applies when you are shooting at the 8 ball.
So my question is: Does this same logic apply if you are shooting at the 8 ball?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Pocketing Opponent's Ball when Legally Pocketing the 8 Ball
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 5/22/2007 6:57:40 PM
In this scenario, you are good to go. No foul was committed.
The answer in the other question does in-fact apply to your scenario as well. Yes, there are certainly scenarios which have different outcomes when the 8 ball is in play, but this isn't one of them.
- You contacted your ball first (the 8 ball)
- You called your ball and pocket.
- The ball went into the called pocket.
- You didn't scratch
Balls pocketed incidentally do not matter. The only way an opponent's ball can cause you to foul is if you either (a) hit it first with the cue ball, or (b) jump one of them off the table.
As long as you don't commit any other fouls during your shot (which you didn't), then inadvertently pocketing an opponent's ball while you are legally pocketing the 8 ball is perfectly fine.
Here is how the World Pool-Billiard association rules apply to your scenario, with excerpts from the rules (emphasized for clarity).
8 Ball is a "call shot" game, thus, WPA rules for 8 ball reference definition 1.6 Standard Call Shot.
1.6 Standard Call Shot
In games in which the shooter is required to call shots, the intended ball and pocket must be indicated for each shot if they are not obvious. Details of the shot, such as cushions struck or other balls contacted or pocketed are irrelevant. Only one ball may be called on each shot.
This section tells us several things:
- The player only needs to call one of their object balls (or the 8 ball in your case), and it's intended pocket. You did both.
- Extra detail, such as "other balls contacted or pocketed are irrelevant". In this context, the word "irrelevant" applies to the call, and to the actual outcome.
Further, we can look to rule #3.8 - "losing the rack" for a list of infractions involving the 8 ball which result in the loss of game. You can see that your scenario is not one of them.
3.8 - Losing the Rack
The shooter loses if he:
- (a) pockets the eight ball and fouls.;
- (b) pockets the eight ball before his group is cleared;
- (c) pockets the eight ball in an uncalled pocket; or
- (d) drives the eight ball off the table.
You can see that none of these apply to your scenario, and thus, it is not a loss of game.
Pocketing Opponent's Ball when Legally Pocketing the 8 Ball
- Title: Pocketing Opponent's Ball when Legally Pocketing the 8 Ball
- Author: user1179654387
- Published: 5/20/2007 9:46:27 AM
- Last Updated: 3/22/2022 1:48:33 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)