Pocket Opponents Ball After Mine Foul or Not?
11/21/2014 4:47:43 AM
Pocket Opponents Ball After Mine Foul or Not?
I legally potted my solid colour ball then a stripe ball was potted on the same shot. We weren't playing call pocket.
Is it ball in hand to the opponent or do I keep shooting?
Does my object ball have to be potted first then the opposite ball to be legal?
If we were playing "call pocket" is it still a legal shot?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Pocket Opponents Ball After Mine Foul or Not?
Pocket Opponents Ball After Mine Foul or Not?
- Title: Pocket Opponents Ball After Mine Foul or Not?
- Author: ball in hand
- Published: 11/21/2014 4:47:43 AM