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Pocket Only the 8 Ball on the Break

Pocket Only the 8 Ball on the Break

What happens if a player pockets only the 8 ball on the break shot?

What I mean is, at the beginning of the game on a break shot, the black ball goes in alone after that only shot.

What is that called?

Should we consider the player a winner if he pockets the 8 ball on the break shot?

This question relates to the following billiard rules:

Pocket Only the 8 Ball on the Break

Replies & Comments

  1. Topp Dawgranger on 2/17/2018 9:26:34 AM

    A lot of bar rules still say 8 on break is a win. Most leagues and major systems say spot the 8 ball and continue play.

  2. Topp Dawgbilliardsforum on 2/17/2018 1:03:25 PM

    @ranger, I fully agree with you.

    But here is an official reference to the World Pool Billiards Association 8-ball rules (the most commonly-observed rules for 8-ball played in North America and many other regions), we can see that pocketing the 8 ball on the break (with or without pocketing other balls) results in the breaking player deciding how to proceed:

    3.3 Break Shot

    The following rules apply to the break shot:

    • The cue ball begins in hand behind the head string.
    • No ball is called, and the cue ball is not required to hit any particular object ball first.
    • If the breaker pockets a ball and does not foul, he continues at the table, and the table remains open. (See 3.4 Open Table / Choosing Groups.)
    • If no object ball is pocketed, at least four object balls must be driven to one or more rails, or the shot results in an illegal break, and the incoming player has the option of

      1. accepting the table in position, or
      2. re-racking and breaking, or
      3. re-racking and allowing the offending player to break again.
    • Pocketing the eight ball on a legal break shot is not a foul. If the eight ball is pocketed, the breaker has the option of:

      1. re-spotting the eight ball and accepting the balls in position, or
      2. re-breaking.
    • If the breaker pockets the eight ball and scratches (see definition 8.6 Scratch), the opponent has the option of

      1. re-spotting the eight ball and shooting with cue ball in hand behind the head string; or
      2. re-breaking.
    • If any object ball is driven off the table on a break shot, it is a foul; such balls remain out of play (except the eight ball which is re-spotted); and the incoming player has the option of:

      1. accepting the table in position, or
      2. taking cue ball in hand behind the head string.
    • If the breaker fouls in any manner not listed above, the following player has the option of

      1. accepting the balls in position, or
      2. taking cue ball in hand behind the head string.

    Source: wpapool.com/rules-of-play

  3. Topp Dawgranger on 2/17/2018 1:09:14 PM

    It says the breaker chooses. Unless he also scratches.

    I think we are agreeing?

  4. Topp Dawgbilliardsforum on 2/17/2018 1:12:34 PM

    You are correct. I made a mistake in my first paragraph (which is now corrected). It is the breaking player who makes the call on how to continue.

  5. Topp Dawgjfitch on 3/20/2018 8:30:48 PM

    The 8 on the break rule varies between leagues. Some leagues play 8 on the break you win, scratch and 8 on the break you lose. Some leagues play rerack or spot the 8.

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Pocket Only the 8 Ball on the Break

  • Title: Pocket Only the 8 Ball on the Break
  • Author:
  • Published: 11/11/2011 5:55:21 PM
  • Last Updated: 1/19/2017 7:35:06 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)