Penalty for Intentional Fouls
3/10/2010 1:01:25 AM
Penalty for Intentional Fouls
A friend of mine always uses intentional foul when it's nesseceary, so i am very curious whether I should get a free ball or the frame won. Let me explain what I meant by intentional foul: When I made a successful safety shot, my friend didn't try to hit his own ball but hit mine and try to make mine as close as possible to the cushion to make my clearance harder. Another scenario: I have a few balls on the table, my friend only has the 8 but it's a hard shot to make. He hits my balls and makes 1 or 2 of my easy shots harder.
I haven't seen this type of scenarios stated in an office rule of the game, so I need your help.
In my opinion, this should be considered a lost frame. In snooker game, if a player unintentionally touches any ball on the table with hand or sleeves, 4 points are given to your opponent and your turn is over. But if you intentionally touch or move the balls on the table, that's a concede of the frame.
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Penalty for Intentional Fouls
Replies & Comments
quickshot on 3/10/2010 9:24:08 AM
World Standardized Rules:
An intentional foul by a player automatically gives the other player ball in hand anywhere on the table. Consecutive fouls is not a loss of game for the offending player. However, on every intentional foul by your opponent you are entitled to ball in hand.
dlabout on 3/10/2010 11:15:58 AM
Only place this becomes a problem is if your playing under a 3 foul rule which any player commiting 3 fouls in a game is a loss, but I can't recall the last time I played any tournament with a 3 foul rule in place.
Mitch Alsup on 3/10/2010 12:46:02 PM
When pool is played at a high level, Ball in Hand is almost a guarentee of the recipient winning the game. This is why BIH to opponent is the result of any foul--the rules really really want you to try to avoid a foul if at all possible--and so will you.
At lesser levels, BIH is not a guarentee of a win, and therefore the perceived penalty may seem insufficient. Rest assured that as your skill progresses, BIH becomes a deadly tool.
In the case of your friend leaving you at the rail--this is a shot you should not fear nor should it curtail the kinds of shots you can pul off from there. Fear the rail shot not. But, the opponents foul gives you BIH, and you escape and put the ball where you want it. In effect, getting BIH should put you in a position that your friend will not want to put you in again.
In the case of your friend leaving you in bad position or making your balls harder to pot, consider that BIH is a chance to solve problems--even if you cannot run out. So figure out where to use the BIH and make that hard shot easy(ier) and the subsequent position easier.
In short, use the BIH to hurt him more than what he can hurt you by fouling.
hanasamo on 3/10/2010 6:50:22 PM
Thanks everyone.
gibson on 3/13/2010 9:31:50 AM
If I ever make a list of the top 5 reasons 8balls sucks, this would be one of the reasons. Safety play is based on obstructing opponents shots but the nature of 8 ball dividing the object balls between two sides allows for a lot of amateurish moves on the other side's balls. It is generally accepted that you don't interfere intentionally with the other side's balls. I agree with the reply about ball in hand. Best rule ever adopted for 8 ball: you mess up, you have to pay the price.
Penalty for Intentional Fouls
- Title: Penalty for Intentional Fouls
- Author: hanasamo (Han Mo)
- Published: 3/10/2010 1:01:25 AM