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making opponent's ball AFTER first striking my own

making opponent's ball AFTER first striking my own

hi, im new to the forum and hope that you can answer this question: me and my buds were playing eight ball the other day when we got in a fight over this rule my friend aimed to hit his 9 ball into the corner pocket. However, my 4 ball was in the way. He ended up pocketing my 4 when his 9 ball struck my 4 ball. The way I was taught, this meant a ball in hand for me. But he insisted that since he had made legal contact between the cue ball and his 9 ball, this only meant ending his turn. So i would like to ask this: If i hit the cue into one of my balls, and my object ball strikes and pockets the opponent's ball, does the opponent get ball in hand? If i hit the cue into one of my balls and the cue ricochets and pockets one of my opponent's balls, does the opponent get ball in hand? thx (i just thought i might add that we weren't playing with calling shots since some of the players were pretty inexperienced and we thought that calling shots would prolong the game)

This question relates to the following billiard rules:

making opponent's ball AFTER first striking my own

Replies & Comments

  1. randmaznjags on 10/31/2010 10:13:43 AM

    This would never be ball in hand. It is just the next persons shot.

    In APA you can get a ball in hand if after striking the object ball nothing hits a rail.

  2. randmaznMitch Alsup on 10/31/2010 4:53:55 PM

    jags is correct: this is just end of inning.

    ONly when the game has a rule (like some 9-ball competitions) where missing the shot is BIH, would the shots described be BIH. No-one south of semi-pro plays under these rules.

  3. randmaznrandmazn on 10/31/2010 7:22:29 PM

    thx guys

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making opponent's ball AFTER first striking my own

  • Title: making opponent's ball AFTER first striking my own
  • Author:
  • Published: 10/31/2010 7:00:15 AM