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Make All 7 Balls on Break, Then Pocket 8 Ball to Win?

Make All 7 Balls on Break, Then Pocket 8 Ball to Win?

If you break and make all 7 of the solids on a break, can you legally shoot the 8 ball next to win the game?

This question relates to the following billiard rules:

Make All 7 Balls on Break, Then Pocket 8 Ball to Win?

Replies & Comments

  1. cnpaulusbilliardsforum on 5/1/2018 5:52:10 AM

    You are basically asking: Can you legally win a game of 8 ball pool in just two shots, including the break shot?

    Sure you can do that.

    As long as the break shot met all of the requirements of a legal break shot (which is sounds like it does in your scenario) then the breaking player continues play at the table with their choice of group.

    Obviously the player will choose solids, since they all went down on the break shot. Their next available shot is for the 8-ball.

    Now for the important question: did this actually happen to you? Did you actually pocket an entire group of balls on the break shot? If so, how about sharing some details.

  2. cnpaulusRayMills on 8/17/2021 4:57:34 AM

    Of course, if the breaker doesn't have an easy following shot to contact the 8-ball, he needs to legally contact the 8-ball to claim solids. If not, the opponent could then use the resulting ball-in-hand on the 8-ball to win. Technically, if the non-breaker pockets the 8 this way, he can't claim solids until the game has been won!

    In this extreme scenario, some leagues' rules automatically assign solids to the breaker before the follow-up shot.

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Make All 7 Balls on Break, Then Pocket 8 Ball to Win?

  • Title: Make All 7 Balls on Break, Then Pocket 8 Ball to Win?
  • Author:
  • Published: 4/23/2018 9:56:57 PM
  • Last Updated: 5/1/2018 5:44:48 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)