Losing if You Knock Cue Ball in While Shooting the 8-Ball
7/13/2019 3:48:15 PM
Losing if You Knock Cue Ball in While Shooting the 8-Ball
I am wondering;
l Is it a loss of game if you accidentally pocket the cue ball while you are shooting at the 8-ball?
If you are playing straight eight ball pool (no ball-in-hand) and you are shooting at the eight ball and accidentally knock the cue ball into a any pocket (while trying to hit the 8 ball), is that a loss of the game?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Losing if You Knock Cue Ball in While Shooting the 8-Ball
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 7/16/2019 2:29:44 PM
Under WPBA rules, it is not a loss of game to scratch when shooting the 8 ball. When this happens, the opponent gets ball-in-hand anywhere on the table.
Currently, under APA league rules, you lose the game if you scratch on the 8 ball.
See these similar questions asked previously:
bcraig on 10/18/2019 1:59:43 PM
According to the World Pool-Billiard Association (WPA) rules you loose the rack if you foul while pocketing the 8 ball. If you scratch without pocketing the 8 ball the opponent gets the cue ball in hand anywhere on the table.
billiardsforum on 12/7/2019 7:21:09 AM
I stand corrected. I've updated my original answer to reflect that. Thanks!
Losing if You Knock Cue Ball in While Shooting the 8-Ball
- Title: Losing if You Knock Cue Ball in While Shooting the 8-Ball
- Author: user1563058095
- Published: 7/13/2019 3:48:15 PM
- Last Updated: 7/16/2019 2:32:32 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)