Last Pocket 8 Ball Rules Opponent Pockets Your Last Ball
8/21/2007 11:01:55 PM
Last Pocket 8 Ball Rules Opponent Pockets Your Last Ball
If you are playing "last pocket 8 ball" rules and the opposite player pocketed your last ball by accident, would that be the pocket you have to shoot to or can you pick your own pocket?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Last Pocket 8 Ball Rules Opponent Pockets Your Last Ball
Replies & Comments
Fenwick on 11/29/2007 7:50:11 PM
I did a search and could not find the answer to your question. I played last pocket so very long ago, 1960's. As best I can remember we played it several ways. One was the pocket you last object ball shot by your opponent was your last pocket. Another was the last pocket you shot your ball into was your last pocket. You can also call a bank shot but the opponent has a the option to refuse you. I did relearn doing a search for this non answer a split shot if called before shooting is legal. I had some doubts on that being a clean shot. It must be a clear clean same time to the eye split shot. If not it is a foul. Lose of turn or ball in hand depending on house or game rules. Constructive criticism welcome.
user1511214890 on 11/20/2017 5:04:48 PM
I always played if your opponent makes your last ball you get to pick your last pocket that helps prevent your opponent from making your last ball on purpose in a side pocket to gain an advantage.
Last Pocket 8 Ball Rules Opponent Pockets Your Last Ball
- Title: Last Pocket 8 Ball Rules Opponent Pockets Your Last Ball
- Author: mrhub21
- Published: 8/21/2007 11:01:55 PM