Is This Shot A Foul?
11/18/2014 8:25:42 AM
Is This Shot A Foul?
I played the cue ball so that it bounced off a rail, it then hit my ball but my ball did not go in a pocket or hit a rail, and the cue ball did not subsequently hit a rail either.
Is this a foul?
Thanks for any clarification you can give.
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Is This Shot A Foul?
Replies & Comments
Zeke on 11/18/2014 7:04:01 PM
Pretty sure it is.
I think you'll find the language in the "general rules" not necessarily 8-ball.
You can find it on this webpage near the top.
Phuket_Roger on 11/19/2014 4:30:17 AM
Thanks, Zeke.
I just checked those rules.
It's clear that after the cue ball hits the object ball, one of them must hit a rail or the object ball must be pocketed, irrespective of whether the cue ball came off a rail before it hit the object ball.
Zeke on 11/19/2014 8:16:46 AM
That's how I read it as well...
Is This Shot A Foul?
- Title: Is This Shot A Foul?
- Author: Phuket_Roger (Roger Phuket)
- Published: 11/18/2014 8:25:42 AM