Is Shot Calling Optional in 8 Ball?
2/8/2012 10:01:45 PM
Is Shot Calling Optional in 8 Ball?
In 8-ball billiards, I would like to know if the rules regarding Calling Shots is Optional or Mandatory?.
If mandatory I would like to know if making contact with any group balls before pocketing the called Object Ball is O.K.?
If yes does the player need to inform the opponent? This situation arises in Combination Shots, Billiard Shots etc?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Is Shot Calling Optional in 8 Ball?
Replies & Comments
Mitch Alsup on 2/9/2012 1:22:09 PM
In APA only the 8-ball has to be "called" in in this case the pocket is marked (with something other than a piece of chalk).
In general shots that are obvious do not have to be called (straight in, easy cuts) but all banks, kicks, caroms, and billiards need to be called.
There is a set of rules called "No Slop" where, in addition to calling the shot (except when obvious) you also have to call the banks, kicks, caroms, and grazes of the OB on the path to the pocket.
Is Shot Calling Optional in 8 Ball?
- Title: Is Shot Calling Optional in 8 Ball?
- Author: srinivaskotian (Srinivas Kotian)
- Published: 2/8/2012 10:01:45 PM