Is it a Foul to Double-Kiss the Eight-Ball?
7/3/2018 5:58:41 PM
Is it a Foul to Double-Kiss the Eight-Ball?
In 8-ball pool, is it considered a foul if you double kiss the eight ball?
This question references the following Billiard Glossary terms:
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Is it a Foul to Double-Kiss the Eight-Ball?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 7/10/2018 5:38:27 AM
According to World-Standardized eight-ball rules, it is not a foul. These are the rules which most major pool leagues also closely follow.
If it met all of the criteria for a legal hit and no foul was committed, you only need to declare ball and pocket. Any additional details such as number of balls contacted, cushions, etc. are contrived rules usually made up to unnecessarily complicate the game.
From the rules:
1.6 Standard Call Shot:
...Details of the shot, such as cushions struck or other balls contacted or pocketed are irrelevant..."
The only way it would be a foul is if the cue ball bounced back after the double-kiss and hit the pool cue tip after it e.g. if the balls were very close to begin with, and usually near a cushion.
Is it a Foul to Double-Kiss the Eight-Ball?
- Title: Is it a Foul to Double-Kiss the Eight-Ball?
- Author: Gizellesan66
- Published: 7/3/2018 5:58:41 PM
- Last Updated: 7/10/2018 5:31:18 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)