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Hit 8 Ball First, but 8 Ball Goes in Off Opponent's Ball

Hit 8 Ball First, but 8 Ball Goes in Off Opponent's Ball

What happens in an 8-ball combo shot where:

  1. Cue ball hits the 8 ball first,
  2. sending the 8 ball into an opponent's ball,
  3. the opponents ball banks off a rail and back into the 8 ball,
  4. sending the 8 ball into the intended pocket

Is that a legal combination shot on the 8 ball?

Put another way:

You are shooting the 8 ball, and you shoot the 8 ball into an opponents ball which then comes off a rail to hit eight ball again, sending into the called pocket.

Wouldn’t that be considered a combination shot that is legal?

This question relates to the following billiard rules:

Hit 8 Ball First, but 8 Ball Goes in Off Opponent's Ball

Replies & Comments

  1. Elmer Sabinbilliardsforum on 1/8/2020 2:57:11 AM

    Yes that is a legal shot.

    1. You contacted your object ball first.
    2. Your object ball went into the intended called pocket.
    3. You didn't otherwise scratch or foul.

    If you want the long answer, see this question:

    Using the 8 Ball in Combination Shots

    Not all of it applies to your situation, but it covers the fundamentals.

    Bottom line is that you hit the correct ball first (your ball-on, the 8 ball, vs. and not of your opponents balls), the called ball went into the intended pocket, and no scratch or other foul occurred.

  2. Elmer SabinElmer Sabin on 1/8/2020 4:41:41 AM

    Let's say I am on the 8 ball.

    • I hit 8 ball first into the 13 ball,
    • The 13 ball rolls into the 10 ball,
    • The 10 ball hits the cushion and rebounds into my 8 ball, and knocks the 8 ball into my called pocket.

    Is that shot not considered a "combination shot"? If not, is it maybe because a rail was used?

  3. Elmer Sabinbilliardsforum on 1/8/2020 5:21:50 AM

    In a strict sense, a combination shot is when you hit one of your object balls into your called object ball, as a means to pocket your called object ball.

    In your scenario above, you are initially striking your called object ball, so that's not quite the same. The fact that it ricochets a few times off of your opponent's balls is irrelevant.

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Hit 8 Ball First, but 8 Ball Goes in Off Opponent's Ball

  • Title: Hit 8 Ball First, but 8 Ball Goes in Off Opponent's Ball
  • Author:
  • Published: 12/6/2019 6:52:08 AM
  • Last Updated: 1/8/2020 2:47:47 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)