Hit 8 Ball First, but 8 Ball Goes in Off Opponent's Ball
12/6/2019 6:52:08 AM
Hit 8 Ball First, but 8 Ball Goes in Off Opponent's Ball
What happens in an 8-ball combo shot where:
- Cue ball hits the 8 ball first,
- sending the 8 ball into an opponent's ball,
- the opponents ball banks off a rail and back into the 8 ball,
- sending the 8 ball into the intended pocket
Is that a legal combination shot on the 8 ball?
Put another way:
You are shooting the 8 ball, and you shoot the 8 ball into an opponents ball which then comes off a rail to hit eight ball again, sending into the called pocket.
Wouldn’t that be considered a combination shot that is legal?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Hit 8 Ball First, but 8 Ball Goes in Off Opponent's Ball
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 1/8/2020 2:57:11 AM
Yes that is a legal shot.
- You contacted your object ball first.
- Your object ball went into the intended called pocket.
- You didn't otherwise scratch or foul.
If you want the long answer, see this question:
Not all of it applies to your situation, but it covers the fundamentals.
Bottom line is that you hit the correct ball first (your ball-on, the 8 ball, vs. and not of your opponents balls), the called ball went into the intended pocket, and no scratch or other foul occurred.
Elmer Sabin on 1/8/2020 4:41:41 AM
Let's say I am on the 8 ball.
- I hit 8 ball first into the 13 ball,
- The 13 ball rolls into the 10 ball,
- The 10 ball hits the cushion and rebounds into my 8 ball, and knocks the 8 ball into my called pocket.
Is that shot not considered a "combination shot"? If not, is it maybe because a rail was used?
billiardsforum on 1/8/2020 5:21:50 AM
In a strict sense, a combination shot is when you hit one of your object balls into your called object ball, as a means to pocket your called object ball.
In your scenario above, you are initially striking your called object ball, so that's not quite the same. The fact that it ricochets a few times off of your opponent's balls is irrelevant.
Hit 8 Ball First, but 8 Ball Goes in Off Opponent's Ball
- Title: Hit 8 Ball First, but 8 Ball Goes in Off Opponent's Ball
- Author: Elmer Sabin
- Published: 12/6/2019 6:52:08 AM
- Last Updated: 1/8/2020 2:47:47 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)