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Foul Scenario: Frozen Ball Prevents All Balls From Touching Cushions

Foul Scenario: Frozen Ball Prevents All Balls From Touching Cushions

I've spent 2 hours researching this and I give up. Has this situation been skipped over in the WPA and BCA rules, or is it too rare?

I believe this applies to all games that say:

it is a foul if no balls touch a cushion during a shot, and that any ball frozen to the cushion has to travel to a different one.

But let's imagine this is 8-ball, and the scenario is as follows:

  • The stripe ball I want to pocket is centered 1 inch from the corner pocket.
  • A solid ball is blocking me from shooting into it, and a striped ball is on the nearest spot.
  • Another ball is frozen to the cushion about six inches from my target pocket.
  • Using a stop shot, I want to shoot the "spot" ball into the frozen ball and carom my striped ball to pocket my other striped ball.
  • Unfortunately, I am wracked with nerves and strike the cue ball too slowly!
  • The cue ball stops, the carom is at the proper tangent, but my stripe ball rolls very slowly and stops just short of the target ball.
  • No balls touch any cushions and the frozen ball rolls only 3 inches away from the cushion.

I've never seen this addressed in the rules, and it would be a rare opponent indeed who would dutifully declare the frozen ball frozen in advance.

I believe no rules have been written because it would be human nature to assume that my caroming ball had the speed to reach the cushion otherwise. After all, the ball-to-cushion rule was invented to keep the cue ball moving, preventing 1-inch safeties, for example.

Can anyone cite me a rule?

This question relates to the following billiard rules:

Foul Scenario: Frozen Ball Prevents All Balls From Touching Cushions

Replies & Comments

  1. RayMillsRayMills on 8/22/2020 3:53:18 PM

    From Dr. Dave:

    This is covered in the BCAPL rules.

    See item 5 in Section 1-19:

    1. Contacting a ball frozen to a cushion does not constitute contacting that cushion.

    Source: playcsipool.com/uploads/7/3/5/9/7359673/official_rules_of_csi__170714_.pdf

    He also cited WPA rules but didn't list a section.

    I guess I was looking through a WPA rules list that wasn't comprehensive.

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Foul Scenario: Frozen Ball Prevents All Balls From Touching Cushions

  • Title: Foul Scenario: Frozen Ball Prevents All Balls From Touching Cushions
  • Author: (Ray Mills)
  • Published: 8/21/2020 5:14:17 AM
  • Last Updated: 10/29/2020 2:50:27 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)