epa world pool rules
11/4/2011 7:39:16 AM
epa world pool rules
can some one help me out here i currently play in the local pool league an had a match last night . we play the new epa world pool rules , i gave my opponent 2 shots and he had 3 yellows left ( i had 2 reds left) he then used 1 of his shots by taking 1 yellow of the cushion then potted his remaining yellows without using any more shots . he was then taking the black down the rail but it sat over the pocket with no shots left , he then took another shot and potted it basically he took an extra shot not realising he used 2 already so a foul . does this mean i win the game or does his shot count as a deliberate foul . cheers guys and girls
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
epa world pool rules
Replies & Comments
Mitch Alsup on 11/26/2011 1:20:39 PM
When you say: " i gave my opponent 2 shots and he had 3 yellows left ( i had 2 reds left) he then used 1 of his shots by taking 1 yellow of the cushion then potted his remaining yellows without using any more shots"
The EPA rules state: "1.Shot: A "Shot" begins when all balls stop moving from the previous Shot. A player "Plays a Shot" by striking the Cue Ball with the tip of the cue. A "Shot" ends when all balls stop moving from the current Shot."
Thus every stroke of the cue that cause movement of the CB is a shot.
Thus, I can't figure out exactly what you are trying to ask. Care to try again?
epa world pool rules
- Title: epa world pool rules
- Author: garylocker
- Published: 11/4/2011 7:39:16 AM