Eight Ball Shot off Opponent's Ball
12/18/2017 6:17:35 PM
Eight Ball Shot off Opponent's Ball
Can you use your opponents ball when shooting the eight ball in a called pocket.
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Eight Ball Shot off Opponent's Ball
Replies & Comments
PastorMike on 12/18/2017 9:35:11 PM
Are you hitting the 8 ball in using their ball first? Or is the 8 ball hitting their ball on the way to the called pocket?
billiardsforum on 12/18/2017 10:12:24 PM
If I understand the original question correctly, the answer is no. If you are calling the eight-ball into a pocket, that would tell me you were shooting stripes and you are now shooting for the eight ball (since if you were solids, you wouldn't be calling the 8 ball yet). In that case, you can't contact an opponent's ball first.
I believe we beat this horse dead a while back. Give this a read over for info on using the eight ball in combination shots.
Loder on 12/20/2017 7:07:59 PM
Since you are saying "off" of the opponents ball this indicates a carom shot. A carom shot on the 8, is legal in most leagues I've been a part of. The only time I've seen it considered an illegal shot is when house rules are involved.
user1590553872 on 5/26/2020 9:31:13 PM
No. You can't contact the opponent's ball first. If you make contact with an opponent's ball first, it will be considered a foul according to the game rules.
Eight Ball Shot off Opponent's Ball
- Title: Eight Ball Shot off Opponent's Ball
- Author: user1513637860
- Published: 12/18/2017 6:17:35 PM
- Last Updated: 12/18/2017 10:12:50 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)