Do You Lose the Game if the Cue Ball Knocks the 8 Ball in the Same Pocket as the Last Ball?
1/26/2008 2:43:07 AM
Do You Lose the Game if the Cue Ball Knocks the 8 Ball in the Same Pocket as the Last Ball?
Do you lose the game if the cue ball knocks the 8 ball into the same pocket as my last object ball, all during the same shot?
Last night I was playing 8 ball at a local bar here in Japan.
- I had only the 6 ball remaining from my group. It was sitting in center of the table.
- My opponent had cleared his balls and only had to pocket the 8 ball. It was sitting just outside of the corner pocket.
- It was my shot at the table. I shot my 6 ball past the 8 ball and into the called pocket, and then the cue ball bounced off the pocket corner and knocked the 8 ball into the same pocket.
Does this constitute a loss game for me?
Since the game was for money, the arguments got pretty heated between my friends and the friends of my opponent (though ironically, neither him nor I were really too concerned about it).
Any help on how the rules of 8 ball apply would be greatly appreciated.
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Do You Lose the Game if the Cue Ball Knocks the 8 Ball in the Same Pocket as the Last Ball?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 1/26/2008 10:20:48 AM
This is a duplicate of Can You Pocket Your Last Ball Then the 8 Ball in the Same Shot?.
See the first answer on that question for a correct and detailed answer, including which specific World Pool-Billiard Association 8 Ball rule sections apply to your scenario.
But to summarize:
- No, you can not pocket the 8 ball on the same shot as your last ball.
- If you do this, then you lose the game.
- The 8 Ball must be called in it's own shot, and you can only call a single ball per shot.
Ben from Cali on 1/28/2008 2:22:34 PM
According to World Standardized Rules (and most all house rules, in my experience), you lost.
After the break, ANYTIME the shooter causes the 8-ball to leave the playing surface without being a separate, correctly called shot after sinking all balls your group, it is a loss of game.
The only special condition I can think of is if the 8-ball was balanced on the edge of the pocket for at least 5 seconds, then falls due to someone bumping the table (or any other reason). In that case, the 8 ball is returned as close as possible to where it was before it fell.
tedmauro on 2/29/2008 2:56:56 AM
Accidentally pocketing the 8 ball on the same shot as one of your object balls results in the loss of the game by any and all 8 ball rules known to me.
treehumper on 3/4/2008 4:43:25 PM
Yes, this results in the loss of game.
Loss of Game
A player loses the game of 8 Ball by committing any of the following infractions:
- Fouls when pocketing the 8-ball (exception: see "8-Ball Pocketed On The Break" above).
- Pockets the 8-ball on the same stroke as the last of his group of balls.
- Jumps the 8-ball off the table at any time.
- Pockets the 8-ball in a pocket other than the one designated.
Pockets the 8-ball when it is not the legal object ball.
All infractions must be called by the opposing player before another shot is taken. Otherwise it will be deemed that no infraction occurred.
This is from the eight ball rules section of this website.
Do You Lose the Game if the Cue Ball Knocks the 8 Ball in the Same Pocket as the Last Ball?
- Title: Do You Lose the Game if the Cue Ball Knocks the 8 Ball in the Same Pocket as the Last Ball?
- Author: sprhromn55 (Sean Donovan)
- Published: 1/26/2008 2:43:07 AM
- Last Updated: 12/14/2022 4:50:15 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)