Cue Ball Strikes 8-Ball into Cushion then Caroms off Cue Ball into Pocket
2/4/2018 8:26:21 PM
Cue Ball Strikes 8-Ball into Cushion then Caroms off Cue Ball into Pocket
What happens in 8-ball pool when the cue ball strikes the 8-ball into a cushion, then the 8 ball caroms off of the cue ball again and into a pocket?
In my instance the pocket was called as if a straight in shot was to occur (which was possible), instead the above happened, I find nothing in the rules, can this shot be legally called.
This was called-shot bar pool, where only the pocket is called, so I would say it was "slop", but is it possible to call this shot?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Cue Ball Strikes 8-Ball into Cushion then Caroms off Cue Ball into Pocket
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 2/15/2018 5:30:05 AM
In your case - in a game of "slop shot bar pool" this was a perfectly legal shot and I would say the game is yours.
As always, it is good to clarify before hand, but this situation would never likely come up in pre-game clarifications.
If I was in an argument about the situation, there are two rules which apply to your situation. The first outlines what constitutes a legal shot, the second outlines what is required when calling shots. I would use both in my argument.
Unless otherwise stated in a specific game rule, a player must cause the cue ball to contact a legal object ball and then:
(a) Pocket a numbered ball, or;
(b) Cause the cue ball or any numbered ball to contact a cushion or any part of the rail.
Failure to meet these requirements is a foul.
In your case, you have met all of the requirements of a legal shot in eight ball pool. Any contact with the cue ball and an object ball after that is fine.
Applying to games of call-shot, under this rule states that a player can shoot any ball they choose, but must "call" both the ball they are shooting at, and the pocket at which it will be shot. The player does not need to indicate details such as legal combinations, kisses, caroms or cushions. Any balls that are pocketed in addition to the called ball are counted in the shooter's favor.
The important part being "The player does not need to indicate details such as legal combinations, kisses, caroms or cushions.". Again in your case, you have met all of the requirements for calling your shot. Slop or no slop. You called the ball and the pocket (I assume). Requirements met.
Cue Ball Strikes 8-Ball into Cushion then Caroms off Cue Ball into Pocket
- Title: Cue Ball Strikes 8-Ball into Cushion then Caroms off Cue Ball into Pocket
- Author: user1517793980
- Published: 2/4/2018 8:26:21 PM
- Last Updated: 2/5/2018 4:24:18 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)