Can the 8 Ball Be Used In Combo Shots?
7/23/2007 11:21:37 PM
Can the 8 Ball Be Used In Combo Shots?
In the game of 8 ball billiards, I can use the 8 ball in a combination shot to pocket my object ball?
Say we're near the beginning of the game and each of us has plenty of our own group's object balls still on the table. It is my shot, and in order to make a certain one of my object balls, I need to do a combo shot that includes the 8 ball. Is this allowed?
The guy I play pool with has me second guessing every little rule now, each of which I though I had a pretty good handle on.
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Can the 8 Ball Be Used In Combo Shots?
Replies & Comments
jana on 7/24/2007 6:10:37 AM
This is a duplicate of the question Penalty for Using 8 Ball as First Ball in a Combination Shot. See the first answer there for a detailed break-down of how the World Pool-Billiard Association rules of 8 ball apply.
But to summarize—you can only use the 8 ball in combination shots if you first hit one of your own object balls with the cue ball. This means that you can never use the 8 ball as the first ball in a combination shot (unless you are actually shooting to pocket the 8 ball).
Remember, the 8 ball is almost never considered "neutral".
To legally use the 8 ball in a combo shot, you would have to hit the cue ball into one of your own object balls first, that object ball would then hit the 8 ball, and the 8 ball would then hit your called object ball into the called pocket (assuming that you commit no other fouls).
Can the 8 Ball Be Used In Combo Shots?
- Title: Can the 8 Ball Be Used In Combo Shots?
- Author: denver
- Published: 7/23/2007 11:21:37 PM
- Last Updated: 3/30/2022 4:53:31 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)