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Can I Pocket the 8 Ball on a Combination with Opponent's Ball?

Can I Pocket the 8 Ball on a Combination with Opponent's Ball?

Question - Can I pocket the 8 ball on a combination shot with my Opponent's ball?

The scenario is that all of my balls have been pocketed, and my opponent has a few balls remaining on the table.

Can I use a combination off my opponents ball to hit in the eight ball?

This question relates to the following billiard rules:

Can I Pocket the 8 Ball on a Combination with Opponent's Ball?

Replies & Comments

  1. user1586200712billiardsforum on 4/7/2020 8:48:32 AM

    To answer your question, I need to know which ball your cue ball hits first.

    For the shot to be legal, your cue ball must first hit the 8 ball.

    The 8 ball can then either:

    1. go into the intended pocket, or,
    2. carom off of an opponent's ball, then go into the intended pocket.

    Remember, for a shot to be legal in 8 ball we need only the following conditions to be met:

    1. Contact your object ball first (the 8 ball in this case), and
    2. Make your called ball in the called pocket, and
    3. No other fouls occur e.g. not having at least one foot on the floor, etc.

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Can I Pocket the 8 Ball on a Combination with Opponent's Ball?

  • Title: Can I Pocket the 8 Ball on a Combination with Opponent's Ball?
  • Author:
  • Published: 4/6/2020 12:18:32 PM
  • Last Updated: 4/7/2020 8:13:30 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)