8-Ball Rules Clarification
11/11/2013 6:15:52 PM
8-Ball Rules Clarification
If my opponent shoots for the last (high/low) ball, then the balls enter is this order; (high/low), then the cue ball was sewered on the same shot. Now he would be shootting for the 8-ball but is this scratch considered a loss of game because he was on the 8-ball when the cue ball sunk, or would it just be loss of turn because he sewered?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
8-Ball Rules Clarification
Replies & Comments
Zeke on 11/11/2013 9:12:59 PM
The cue ball in the pocket is a scratch, but what does that have to do with calling and making the 8-ball?
On your opponent's scratch, you take possession, ball-in-hand.
Does that answer your question?
gibson on 11/26/2013 1:42:09 PM
Opponent loss of turn Player has ball in hand after someone takes it out of the sewer.
guest on 12/16/2013 8:14:27 PM
This website actually has a pretty good set of Bar Coin Operated 8-ball rules under the Billiard Rules tab at the top to the screen, (except for a typo at the end that needs to say that the shooter loses if the 8-ball jumps off the table or is pocketed in the wrong pocket)
Here is your answer.
You should never lose a game of 8-ball for scratching UNLESS the 8-ball ends off the surface of the table for some reason (jumped or pocketed) on your shot.
Example of NOT losing the game: You have 1 Stripe/High ball left and you make that ball, the cue then goes around the table and scratches. This is not a loss, the next player has ball in hand ANYWHERE on the table.
Example of NOT losing the game: You have pocketed all of your group, you are shooting at the 8-ball, you miss the 8-ball entirely and the cue ball goes into a pocket scratching. You did not lose, the next player has ball in hand ANYWHERE on the table.
Example of NOT losing the game: You are shooting at the 8-ball, you hit the 8-ball, missing the shot, the cue ball flies off the table and hits someone, but the 8-ball is still on the table, NOT a loss, next player has ball in hand ANYWHERE on table.
Getting the picture yet?
Example of actually losing the game: You Shoot at the 8-ball, hitting the 8-ball first, making the 8-ball into the correct called pocket, but the cue ball follows the 8-ball into the pocket, scratching. You would lose here because you fouled/scratched on the same shot you pocketed the 8-ball.
The game can only be WON one way. Pocketing the 8-ball into the called pocket without fouling or scratching on the shot.
The game can be LOST several ways: You can make the 8 in the wrong pocket, you can jump the 8 off the table, you can pocket the 8 before you have finished pocketing your own balls first, you fouled by hitting your opponents ball first before pocketing the 8-ball, you scratched ON THE SAME SHOT as pocketing the 8.
But a game of 8-ball is NEVER over if the 8-ball is still on the table.
guest on 10/13/2014 1:11:24 PM
One thing im in need to Get clear is, if i only have The 8 ball left and i call a pocket but miss . Can i keep calling the most obvious/easiest pocket? Or do i have to Keep shooting at the first pocket i called until i make it?
gibson on 10/20/2014 7:55:25 AM
In the words of Mr. Byrne: "I hear bowling is a fun game"
8-Ball Rules Clarification
- Title: 8-Ball Rules Clarification
- Author: guest
- Published: 11/11/2013 6:15:52 PM