8-Ball Hung in Neutral Pocket in Last Pocket Eight Ball
1/7/2018 12:51:23 PM
8-Ball Hung in Neutral Pocket in Last Pocket Eight Ball
In last pocket eight ball, what do you do when the eight ball is hung in pocket that is neither players last pocket?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
8-Ball Hung in Neutral Pocket in Last Pocket Eight Ball
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 3/20/2019 2:47:17 PM
A common rule used in Last Pocket 8 Ball when the 8 ball is stuck in a neutral pocket is the "3-rail shot on the 8 ball" rule:
3-Rail Shot on 8 Ball if Stuck
When the 8 ball becomes jawed or stuck in front of a pocket that isn't anyone's last pocket, players have a "3 rail minimum" shot option on the 8 ball at any time, as long as all of their object balls have been pocketed. This is also known as the "3-rail shot" rule or the "3-rail kick" rule.
If the 8 is hanging in the jaws of a non-last pocket, the player can shoot a minimum 3-rail kick to pocket the 8 into the non-last pocket and still win the game.
Both players much agree that the 8 ball is "stuck" and can not be dug out (or in tournaments, the team captains must both agree) then the player can do the 3-rail option.
To exercise this option, a player must make declare a 3-rail-or-more shot on the cue ball to knock that 8 ball into the pocket in which it is jawed. If a player decides to shoot a 3 rail shot, he or she must let the opponent know verbally.
8-Ball Hung in Neutral Pocket in Last Pocket Eight Ball
- Title: 8-Ball Hung in Neutral Pocket in Last Pocket Eight Ball
- Author: Michael Walden
- Published: 1/7/2018 12:51:23 PM
- Last Updated: 1/8/2018 5:10:21 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)