8 Ball and Opponent's Ball
12/23/2011 4:57:11 AM
8 Ball and Opponent's Ball
The game was as follows:
My opponents ball was at the pocket and i hit the 8 ball first, pocketing his ball and the 8 ball in the same shot. All other balls in my group were pocketed.
What happens to the game? Foul , draw, or did I win?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
8 Ball and Opponent's Ball
Replies & Comments
Mitch Alsup on 12/23/2011 9:50:52 AM
Under any semblence of tournement rules, if you called the 8-ball in the pocket it went in, and comitted no other foul, you win.
There are some no-slop rules where the 8-ball must go in clean (i.e. not touch any other ball on the way to the pocket.) If you were playing under a set of no-slop rules, you loose.
8 Ball and Opponent's Ball
- Title: 8 Ball and Opponent's Ball
- Author: sandeep3181
- Published: 12/23/2011 4:57:11 AM