3 Rail Final Shot in "Last Pocket 8 Ball"
11/22/2016 9:30:45 AM
3 Rail Final Shot in "Last Pocket 8 Ball"
I have a question about the rules of last pocket 8 ball and this is a problem I run up against every so often.
The 8 ball is hanging in a pocket other than my designated "last pocket" and it is in too deep to get out.
Normally this would be a "3 rail or better" shot, but the opponent still has object balls on the table and claims that I cannot go for the 3 rail shot on my turn because he still has balls on the table.
What is the rule here?
Do I have to take a shot on my turn to miss and wait for opponent to clear his balls, or can I go for the 3 rail shot?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
3 Rail Final Shot in "Last Pocket 8 Ball"
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 11/22/2016 12:32:58 PM
Your opponent is wrong (if I understand the scenario correctly).
Are you saying that for your shot, since you can't pocket the 8 ball in your owned pocket, you are going to try to drive the cue ball to a rail (in order to keep the shot legal)?
Can you clarify the shot and strategy you are going for when you are in this situation?
Vytas on 11/22/2016 2:26:13 PM
The game is 8 ball last pocket (no same last).
Say my last pocket is the bottom right and my opponent has 2 balls left. On my turn, the 8 ball is too deep in the top right pocket to get out without pocketing it.
Normally we would play a "3 rail shot" to win, but since he still has balls on the table, he claims I cannot go for the finish until he has cleared his object calls.
Am I allowed to take the "3 rail shot" to close out my turn while he still has balls on the table?
billiardsforum on 11/22/2016 4:01:02 PM
Its clear now... it is known as the "3-rail kick" rule for Last Pocket 8 ball.
There's usually a "3-Rail Kick" rule in Last Pocket 8-Ball to cover this situation. If the 8 is hanging in the jaws of a non-last pocket, the player can shoot a minimum 3-rail kick to pocket the 8 into the non-last pocket and still win the game.
I couldn't find any "official" written rule for that situation you talked about though. There are so many local variants of last pocket 8 ball and this aspect of the rules varies.
I found two written cases where it states:
As long as both players agree that the 8 ball is "stuck" and can not be dug out (or in tournaments, the team captains must both agree) then the player can do the 3-rail option.
One case, in Apple River Pool League's last pocket 8 ball rules, it specifically states that this can be done "at any time":
Players have “3” rail minimum option on the 8 ball at any time.
Perhaps most importantly, I could NOT find even a single reference of any rule of waiting until your opponent clears all of their balls. Only that the player doing the three-rail shot must verbally notify the opponent (from the Sheboygan 8 Ball League):
A player must make the “8” ball in their last pocket or declare a 3 rail or more on the cue ball, not the “8” ball. (You no longer have to call 3 or more rails.) If a player decides to shoot a 3 rail shot, she or he must let her opponent know verbally.
Some cases allow this only if the 8 ball is hung in a neutral pocket.
In any case, I think you have what you need to win your argument. Please let me know if you find anything that contradicts what is here.
3 Rail Final Shot in "Last Pocket 8 Ball"
- Title: 3 Rail Final Shot in "Last Pocket 8 Ball"
- Author: Vytas
- Published: 11/22/2016 9:30:45 AM
- Last Updated: 11/22/2016 2:40:07 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)