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1998 3 Cushion World Tournament in Corfi Greece

1998 3 Cushion World Tournament in Corfi Greece

I was wondering if somebody could help me with a question I have regarding the 3-Cushion World Tournament that took place at the Island Of Corfi in Greece in 1998 (not in Athens)

My question is, does somebody happen to know who was the winner at that Tournament? Or is there anyone who can provide me with a link related to my search?

As a fan and player I would appreciate your help!

Thank you in advance.

1998 3 Cushion World Tournament in Corfi Greece

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1998 3 Cushion World Tournament in Corfi Greece

  • Title: 1998 3 Cushion World Tournament in Corfi Greece
  • Author:
  • Published: 7/22/2010 4:21:06 AM