Straight Pool Foul Rules and 14.1 Continuous Rules
7/26/2008 2:30:17 PM
Straight Pool Foul Rules and 14.1 Continuous Rules
Today I was playing Straight Pool with my brother and he hit an object ball with his cue, which is a foul? If so, do I get ball behind the line or what?
Also if I don't hit any object balls what is the penalty?
Are the rules from Straight pool & 14.1 Continuous pool the same?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Straight Pool Foul Rules and 14.1 Continuous Rules
Replies & Comments
Fenwick on 7/26/2008 2:56:07 PM
"he hit an object ball with his cue which is a foul? if so do I get ball behind the line or what?" - 1 point from his score and you shoot from where the Cue ball lies. "also if I don't hit any object balls what is the penalty?" - 1 from your total and you lose your turn at the table. "Are the rules from Straight pool & 14:1 the same?" Yes and the rules are listed on this site.
Trigger on 7/26/2008 3:20:25 PM
Thanks! but what do you mean by I lose my turn at the table? Is that two shots for the opponent. Also losing a point means to spot a ball as well?
Fenwick on 7/26/2008 3:59:31 PM
"Thanks! but what do you mean by I lose my turn at the table? Is that two shots for the opponent." No! You sit down. You lose your turn. "Also losing a point means to spot a ball as well?" No! You subtract a point from your total. You're playing something more like 1 pocket if you spot balls on a scratch or a foul. Read the rules and after that if you have questions I would be glad to help. They are right at the top of the page. Welcome to the world of straight pool!
quickshot on 7/26/2008 10:41:09 PM
And the forums authority on straight pool.
Fenwick:: Will update the stroke progress shortly. Qshot.
Fenwick on 7/27/2008 2:54:24 PM
"And the forums authority on straight pool." More like the straight pool junky here. I have no authority. Learning the rules is the easy part. Understanding them, not so easy at first. I'm still working on my grip and stroke with help from generous people like you, Quick Shot and my Instructor / Mentor at the pool hall. I also read several great tips almost every day from Instructors and posters on the www. Some come here but seem to remain under the radar.
When I do get my stroke down you will be the second person to hear about it. I'm closer then I was but it still comes and goes. I'm still waiting to post a respectable high run.
14.1 Continuous is a billiard game
Straight Pool Foul Rules and 14.1 Continuous Rules
- Title: Straight Pool Foul Rules and 14.1 Continuous Rules
- Author: Trigger
- Published: 7/26/2008 2:30:17 PM