14.1 Scoring
7/11/2006 9:58:40 AM
14.1 Scoring
Hi - Just a quickie re: 14.1 continuous - if I call & legally pot a ball PLUS on the SAME stroke another random ball is also potted - do I score 1 or 2 points? The official rules are ambiguous on this point.
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
14.1 Scoring
Replies & Comments
straightshooter on 7/11/2006 10:05:47 AM
You score points for each ball. As the regulations (6.9) state:
A legally pocketed ball entitles a shooter to continue at the table until he or she fails to legally pocket a called ball on a shot. A player may shoot any ball, but before the shot, must designate the called ball and called pocket. Details such as kisses, caroms, combinations or cushions, all of which are legal, need not be indicated. Any additionally pocketed balls on a legal stroke are scored as one point for the shooter.
Hope this helps.
14.1 Scoring
- Title: 14.1 Scoring
- Author: smichie (Steve Michie)
- Published: 7/11/2006 9:58:40 AM