Innings in 10 ball?
6/1/2006 10:20:27 PM
Innings in 10 ball?
I didn't know there were "innings" in 10 ball. This forum is very informative. Just when you think you know all you need to know about the game...
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Innings in 10 ball?
Replies & Comments
JefSharky on 6/1/2006 10:42:58 PM
Dont forget that the one who breaks is "throwing" the first strike. Just thought I would add to your baseball theme
Donnie on 6/1/2006 10:49:24 PM
Any pointers for the billiard-disabled?
HowieHustler on 6/1/2006 10:57:37 PM
Ok, lets say I wanted to try 10 ball... What are the basics? Any pointers?
jana on 6/14/2006 12:49:33 AM
C'mon guys are you serious?
Your strike analogy is WAY off. Please read through the rules here please BEFORE posting, else the admins will likely put the ban on you if these types of posts continue.
straightshooter on 7/12/2006 1:01:59 PM
Innings are just "your turn at the table" - they are the same thing.
Innings in 10 ball?
- Title: Innings in 10 ball?
- Author: Bill Lee
- Published: 6/1/2006 10:20:27 PM